We are a Blockchain company which hold projects such as NFT, Game-Fi, and many more that will be unlocked according to our Road Map.​

About Us

PT. Sukses Digital Kreasi is a Blockchain company that holds projects such as NFT, Game-Fi, and many more that will be unlocked according to our Road Map. METAZERA is our branding name.

With the Road Map extending to 5 years ahead, through our team of experts we aim to expand the reach of our projects extensively to familiarize NFTs to the public eye.

By educating and shaping the perspective of the majority towards the culture and ecosystem of crypto, we hope to disperse the uncertainty people have over crypto, especially NFTs. Additionally, by making our product risk-minimal, easily accessible, and ultimately beneficial we aim to encourage people to participate in the market more than before.

However, NFTs are things of the digitized age, one that is fairly new as well, therefore giving a lot of people a sense of foreignness, hence disinterest in the subject. This is why we’ve conceptualized our idea by collaborating on the idea of NFTs and Indonesian culture to bring familiarity.

We bring Indonesian Pride to our basic idea for the project, such as Endemic Animals, Culture, Art, and many more. Our Gen-1 project the Proboscis Monkey NFT is one of the examples. We take the authentic Indonesian culture and turn it into an NFT, essentially bringing the culture alive in an age where a lot of traditional cultures are beginning to be forgotten. Thus not only do we bring a familiar face to the project, but we also bring back Indonesian Pride to this new era.

Our core is not just a Blockchain. We build, connect, and grow as the bride from Blockchain(Digital) to Conventional(Real) and vice versa. Through this, we walk conventional businesses to take the next step into the crypto market, becoming involved in NFTs and the like, by contributing assets from conventional means to digital, or vice versa. Putting a conventional business into the crypto market may be seen as risky by many, which is why we are here to be an example that the transformation could be proven beneficial if well done.


We aim to expand the reach of our project’s extensively to familiarize Indonesian Cultures such as Endemic Animals, Arts, Houses, and many more through Digital to the World eyes by educating and shaping the perspective of the majority towards the culture and ecosystem of Blockchain, especially NFT.


Be the best well-known Indonesian Company in the World that create a Project while educating people about Blockchain.

What we do

Involving the community in branding initiatives can result in a more meaningful and sustainable brand identity, as it reflects the shared values and aspirations of both the company and its customers. Additionally, this participatory approach can lead to increased brand advocacy, word-of-mouth referrals, and overall business growth as the community becomes emotionally invested in the brand’s success.

Developing a project involves a structured and systematic approach to turn an idea or concept into a tangible and successful reality. It requires careful planning, coordination, and execution to achieve the project’s objectives within the defined scope, timeline, and budget.

Our Value

Integrity: with high consistency to build & deliver (do & done) the road map to our community and holders, we bring the value of honesty, principles, ethics, and strong morals.

Commitment: stay aligned to serve our community and holders with all the best and maximum effort to reach 0 (zero) dropout or disappointment.

Trust: come & created from their trust, we will give the trust back to them with loyalty.

Variety: with a different background and skill from the management & team to maximize the outcome to the world, creating more better views, aspects, and results.

System Management: blockchain transparency makes the system better for the public to know what we do, get, and give.

The Management









Game Developer

Our Project


Gen-1 Pre Sale


Our Products

Native Token

We create a native token that can be used in all our projects / gen, and also can be used outside of it too with other utility / use case.


We grow the community,  We educate and share about blockchain stand with a neutral objective to enlighten more people about it. We pick and more selective to them.

Venture Capital

We will create a real business chain that could be franchised and/or single-layer (B2C) products, and we will become an investor in them.

Partnership & Sponsorship

We are open to any company, community, foundation, micro/macro business that have a same or similar vision & mission with us to grow and build together. We will to create a bridge for real assets to digital assets and vice versa.


We do a charity from each our projects. Example ; our first project / Gen-1 is using “bekantan” (one of indonesian endemic animal), the charity goes to habitat in kalimantan selatan – banjarmasin with government collaboration.

and many more

Our 1st Roadmap

Gen-1 Sumary



Increase the community growth to make us go stronger and wide by collaborating with a well educated community.


Gather a well educated community members start from the basic about what is Blockchain, and the essence of it, so there is no more miss leading.


There are only 11% of people in Indonesia, and around 5% globally of people who know and are educated about blockchain.


We aim to educate more people about what is blockchain in Indonesia specially and the world, along with acknowledging Our Company & Products.



We widely open a partnership with Crypto Businesses or/and Conventional Businesses to expand Our Products.


We will create a product collaboration with medium busineses as for our first step.


There are lots of medium businesses that are not well known to the world, that is why we will help each other to go global.


We aim for the low/medium businesses first to create a collaboration product from our Projects/Gen.



We open to a limited slot for those who have same Vision & Mission with us to aim and achieve it together.


We have 3 (three) tier for our sponsorship, and of course we gave you the benefits more than that you invest.


There is lots of similar projects in blockchain, we aware of that, but we not and never gonna make them our rival, we do the opposite.


Lets grow together, because it will be more easier for us to go to the moon, rather than just go alone.

Native Token


Creating the Native Token with lots of Utility/Use cases for all Our Projects/Gen and outside of it too.


We believe our Native Token Utility/Use cases will make it grow, but still, we had our plan & technical to do to make the price grow too.


We create this Native Token as it is one of our ecosystems to open the next door from it for our expansion in the blockchain.


We will update and share the Tokenomics once we are ready to launch it.

Our Partner